[Webinar] Onboarding for diversity & inclusion: LGBTQIA+ edition

Watch this webinar on-demand at your own pace!

What to expect from the webinar:

WHY IT'S IMPORTANT We'll unpack why creating space for LGBTQIA+ employees during onboarding is necessary in 2021.
HOW IT MAKES PEOPLE FEEL We'll look at some specific examples of onboarding inclusivity done right, and also what to avoid.
THINGS YOU CAN DO TODAY We'll talk through tactics you can use right now to make your onboarding more accessible for LGBTQIA+ employees.

More information_

The onboarding period is the PERFECT time to invest in proactive processes for LGBTQIA+ people.

Done right, this can send a strong signal to queer new hires that your organization is supportive of them and is actively taking steps to create a safer work environment.

It will also indicate to non-LGBTQIA+ hires that yours is an organization that will not tolerate discrimination.


In this 45 minute webinar, we'll be showing you how to better your onboarding practices to support members of the LGBTQIA+ community through:
  • Making your support visible.
  • Fostering early education.
  • Leading by example.
  • Normalizing differences.
  • Asking for help.

Join us and start making your processes more inclusive today!