The ULTIMATE onboarding process template

An easy-to-use, drag-and-drop template to help you get your new hire off to a great start.

What to expect from the template:

ACTIONS AT EVERY STAGE From preboarding to onboarding, and everything in between, this simple template gives you actions at every stage.
DRAG-AND-DROP This template uses drag-and-drop features to allow you to customise every stage of your new hire's journey with ease.
CANVA OR POWERPOINT Choose your tool! This template can be downloaded to edit in PowerPoint or as a CANVA master file.
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Want more? Download our 2023 onboarding whitepaper_

Reinvent. Automate. Elevate. Redefining employee onboarding for a new future of work.


Our onboarding whitepaper goes back to basics and unpacks the purpose of good onboarding, the potential of what good onboarding can achieve, and how leveraging technology can help get you there.

So let’s dive in and find out how you can reinvent your journey, automate your employee onboarding processes and elevate your company with world-class employee onboarding.



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