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[Guide] How to assemble your onboarding project team_

6 key competencies for picture-perfect onboarding!

The guide will help you:

EXPLORE Explore the six key competencies required to make up a great onboarding team.
UNCOVER Uncover the value each role can add to the onboarding process.
CONVINCE Convince non-HR personnel to get behind onboarding and support your project.

What to expect_

From project leadership to new hire representation, there is a certain recipe that makes for a successful implementation team, each component adding something special and specific that gives the final product a distinctive edge.

Of course, every organization is different - teams in smaller organizations often comprise fewer employees wearing many hats, whereas larger organizations usually have the resources for a larger team with more single-focus individuals.


The trick is understanding exactly what roles are critical to delivering an onboarding journey that positively impacts engagement, productivity, and retention.

In this short guide, we will outline the 6 competencies required when reinventing your onboarding journey, whether you’re making improvements to your existing process in response to COVID, or moving toward a fully integrated, digital solution.