[Webinar] Automate onboarding: Digital, scalable and future-friendly

Watch this webinar on-demand at your own pace!

You will learn to build an automated process that is:

SIMPLIFIED FOR HR Provide answers whenever your new-hire needs them and miss no moment to inspire and delight.
TIMELY & SPECIFIC Drip-feed content throughout the entire onboarding lifecycle to ensure new hires aren't overwhelmed.
PERSONAL YET SCALABLE Deliver your journey across multiple locations and departments without compromising on personalization.

What to expect_

What does “automate your process” mean?

Good onboarding requires HR to be there whenever a new hire needs you. It means having different versions of your journey for each onboardee. Which requires buy-in and engagement from existing managers and team member.

Already that sounds like a lot of work, and in fact 57% of HR managers believe that lack of time is one of the biggest barriers to effective onboarding.


Automating your processes will free up time for HR, ensure your new hires key contacts are “in-the-loop” and, if done well, will let you deploy your journey across multiple locations and departments at the push of a button.

In this webinar, we'll teach you how to automate your onboarding processes and create a journey that is simplified for HR, timely & specific, and deliverable to your entire organization without compromising on personalization.

Let's go!